Carbendazim CAS 10605-21-7

Közzétéve 3 nappal ezelőtt
ID #5660
100 Ft
Állapot: Új
Hirdetés típusa: Elad
Carbendazim CAS 10605-21-7
Közzétéve 3 nappal ezelőtt


Carbendazim, also known as cotton wilt, carbendazim, mold spot enemy, benzimidazole 44, is a highly effective, low-toxic systemic broad-spectrum fungicide. It belongs to the benzimidazole class of compounds, has stable chemical properties, and has systemic therapeutic and protective effects. It is low toxic to humans and animals, with an acute oral LD50 of rats > 2000mg/kg, and is also less toxic to fish. It has a preventive and therapeutic effect on many diseases of the subphylum Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Deuteromycota. Seed treatment, foliar spraying and soil Chemicalbook treatment can prevent and control a variety of diseases of rice, cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and wheat, such as wheat smut, fusarium head blight, apple ring rot, fruit tree black spot, potato black spot, wheat smut, anthracnose, grape brown spot, anthracnose, gray mold, rapeseed sclerotinia, cotton seedling diseases, vegetable gray mold, vegetable powdery mildew, blight, sclerotinia, gray mold, etc. When preventing and controlling wheat ergot, stripe rust, and powdery mildew, it can be mixed with fenacet for better results.
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    Regisztrált 15. Jan 2025


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    100 Ft
    0.00000330 BTC
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